拓扑不变量, 学术




  1. 二维方格子朗道能级和陈数/霍尔电导
  2. 通过六端口的量子输运计算方格子在磁场下的霍尔电导

1. 二维方格子朗道能级和陈数/霍尔电导

This code is supported by the website: https://www.guanjihuan.com
The newest version of this code is on the web page: https://www.guanjihuan.com/archives/18306

import numpy as np
from math import *
import cmath
import functools
import guan

def hamiltonian(kx, ky, Ny, B):
    h00 = np.zeros((Ny, Ny), dtype=complex)
    h01 = np.zeros((Ny, Ny), dtype=complex)
    t = 1
    for iy in range(Ny-1):
        h00[iy, iy+1] = t
        h00[iy+1, iy] = t
    h00[Ny-1, 0] = t*cmath.exp(1j*ky)
    h00[0, Ny-1] = t*cmath.exp(-1j*ky)
    for iy in range(Ny):
        h01[iy, iy] = t*cmath.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*B*iy)
    matrix = h00 + h01*cmath.exp(1j*kx) + h01.transpose().conj()*cmath.exp(-1j*kx)
    return matrix

def main():
    Ny = 21

    k_array = np.linspace(-pi, pi, 100)
    H_k = functools.partial(hamiltonian, ky=0, Ny=Ny, B=1/Ny)
    eigenvalue_array = guan.calculate_eigenvalue_with_one_parameter(k_array, H_k)
    guan.plot(k_array, eigenvalue_array, xlabel='kx', ylabel='E', style='k')

    H_k = functools.partial(hamiltonian, Ny=Ny, B=1/Ny)
    chern_number = guan.calculate_chern_number_for_square_lattice_with_efficient_method(H_k, precision=100)

if __name__ == '__main__':


说明:这里计算结果不正确,把所有能带的陈数相加,结果不为零。是因为中间能带部分交叉简并导致的错误。关于简并能带的陈数计算,参考这篇:陈数Chern number的计算(多条能带的Wilson loop方法,附Python代码)


2. 通过六端口的量子输运计算方格子在磁场下的霍尔电导

This code is supported by the website: https://www.guanjihuan.com
The newest version of this code is on the web page: https://www.guanjihuan.com/archives/18306

import numpy as np
import time
import cmath
import guan

def get_lead_h00(width):  
    h00 = np.zeros((width, width))
    for i0 in range(width-1):
        h00[i0, i0+1] = 1
        h00[i0+1, i0] = 1
    return h00

def get_lead_h01(width):
    h01 = np.identity(width)
    return h01

def get_center_hamiltonian(Nx, Ny, B):
    h = np.zeros((Nx*Ny, Nx*Ny), dtype=complex)
    for x0 in range(Nx-1):
        for y0 in range(Ny):
            h[x0*Ny+y0, (x0+1)*Ny+y0] = 1*cmath.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*B*y0) # x方向的跃迁
            h[(x0+1)*Ny+y0, x0*Ny+y0] = 1*cmath.exp(2*np.pi*1j*B*y0)
    for x0 in range(Nx):
        for y0 in range(Ny-1):
            h[x0*Ny+y0, x0*Ny+y0+1] = 1 # y方向的跃迁
            h[x0*Ny+y0+1, x0*Ny+y0] = 1 
    return h

def main():
    start_time = time.time()
    width = 21
    length = 72
    fermi_energy_array = np.arange(-4, 4, .05)

    # 中心区的哈密顿量
    H_cetner = get_center_hamiltonian(Nx=length, Ny=width, B=1/width)

    # 电极的h00和h01
    lead_h00 = get_lead_h00(width)
    lead_h01 = get_lead_h01(width)
    transmission_12_array = []
    transmission_13_array = []
    transmission_14_array = []
    transmission_15_array = []
    transmission_16_array = []
    transmission_1_all_array = []

    for fermi_energy in fermi_energy_array:
        #   几何形状如下所示:
        #               lead2         lead3
        #   lead1(L)                          lead4(R)  
        #               lead6         lead5 

        # 电极到中心区的跃迁矩阵
        h_lead1_to_center = np.zeros((width, width*length), dtype=complex)
        h_lead2_to_center = np.zeros((width, width*length), dtype=complex)
        h_lead3_to_center = np.zeros((width, width*length), dtype=complex)
        h_lead4_to_center = np.zeros((width, width*length), dtype=complex)
        h_lead5_to_center = np.zeros((width, width*length), dtype=complex)
        h_lead6_to_center = np.zeros((width, width*length), dtype=complex)
        move = 10 # the step of leads 2,3,6,5 moving to center
        for i0 in range(width):
            h_lead1_to_center[i0, i0] = 1
            h_lead2_to_center[i0, width*(move+i0)+(width-1)] = 1
            h_lead3_to_center[i0, width*(length-move-1-i0)+(width-1)] = 1
            h_lead4_to_center[i0, width*(length-1)+i0] = 1
            h_lead5_to_center[i0, width*(length-move-1-i0)+0] = 1
            h_lead6_to_center[i0, width*(i0+move)+0] = 1
        # 自能    
        self_energy1, gamma1 = guan.self_energy_of_lead_with_h_lead_to_center(fermi_energy, lead_h00, lead_h01, h_lead1_to_center)
        self_energy2, gamma2 = guan.self_energy_of_lead_with_h_lead_to_center(fermi_energy, lead_h00, lead_h01, h_lead2_to_center)
        self_energy3, gamma3 = guan.self_energy_of_lead_with_h_lead_to_center(fermi_energy, lead_h00, lead_h01, h_lead3_to_center)
        self_energy4, gamma4 = guan.self_energy_of_lead_with_h_lead_to_center(fermi_energy, lead_h00, lead_h01, h_lead4_to_center)
        self_energy5, gamma5 = guan.self_energy_of_lead_with_h_lead_to_center(fermi_energy, lead_h00, lead_h01, h_lead5_to_center)
        self_energy6, gamma6 = guan.self_energy_of_lead_with_h_lead_to_center(fermi_energy, lead_h00, lead_h01, h_lead6_to_center)

        # 整体格林函数
        green = np.linalg.inv(fermi_energy*np.eye(width*length)-H_cetner-self_energy1-self_energy2-self_energy3-self_energy4-self_energy5-self_energy6)

        # Transmission
        transmission_12 = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(gamma1, green), gamma2), green.transpose().conj()))
        transmission_13 = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(gamma1, green), gamma3), green.transpose().conj()))
        transmission_14 = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(gamma1, green), gamma4), green.transpose().conj()))
        transmission_15 = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(gamma1, green), gamma5), green.transpose().conj()))
        transmission_16 = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(gamma1, green), gamma6), green.transpose().conj()))
    guan.plot(fermi_energy_array, transmission_12_array, xlabel='Fermi energy', ylabel='Transmission_12')
    guan.plot(fermi_energy_array, transmission_13_array, xlabel='Fermi energy', ylabel='Transmission_13')
    guan.plot(fermi_energy_array, transmission_14_array, xlabel='Fermi energy', ylabel='Transmission_14')
    guan.plot(fermi_energy_array, transmission_15_array, xlabel='Fermi energy', ylabel='Transmission_15')
    guan.plot(fermi_energy_array, transmission_16_array, xlabel='Fermi energy', ylabel='Transmission_16')
    guan.plot(fermi_energy_array, transmission_1_all_array, xlabel='Fermi energy', ylabel='Transmission_1_all')
    end_time = time.time()
    print('运行时间=', end_time-start_time)

if __name__ == '__main__':





[1] B. Andrei Bernevig - Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors

[2] A. H. MacDonald - Landau-level subband structure of electrons on a square lattice

[3] Quantized Hall Conductance in a Two-Dimensional Periodic Potential

[4] Route towards Localization for Quantum Anomalous Hall Systems with Chern Number 2

[5] Localization trajectory and Chern-Simons axion coupling for bilayer quantum anomalous Hall systems

2,221 次浏览


2 thoughts on “方格子紧束缚模型中朗道能级的陈数/霍尔电导(附Python代码)”

  1. 你好,我想问下为什么kx取值还是-pi到pi,不应该除以Ny吗?还有就是h00[Ny-1, 0] = t*cmath.exp(1j*ky)这里指数上应该是Ny*ky吧?

    1. 我把晶格常数(也就是元胞)的宽度取为1,而不是原子间距,所以这里布里渊区的范围保持不变。


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